Patio Lights of Houston

Backyards - Patios - Event Venue Lighting

Are you enjoying your new suspended LED patio lights?

Click on the icons below to leave us a review, and help us serve more customers in the Houston area too!

If You're Enjoying Your New Suspended Patio Light Installation...

Please take a few minutes to help us spread the word about your custom LED patio light installation. Most consumers these days don't know there are companies that have the ability to custom cut, and build you a strand of led patio string lights to specifically fit the area you're wanting to highlight. Instead they will in turn settle with the headaches of purchasing and installing cheap online pre fabricated string light kits. But by telling your experience of the service provided by Patio Lights Of Houston, you will be helping us reach far more customers thus saving many others the headaches of installing poor quality products themselves.

Tell Others About Your New Patio String Lights... 

Word of Mouth has always been a big thing for small businesses, in todays time most consumers rely on the internet to locate the specific contractor they may be searching for. Though you may not know the person recommending the company online for the job, like you might have 10-15 years ago. Having ample positive reviews can make a big difference if you receive the job or miss out to another contractor.  If you are enjoying spending time with your family, underneath the ambient glow of your new suspended LED patio lights, please help us by sharing a little about how your installation went!